Bulford 063


Applying for a place at Bulford St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to our school. We understand that the choice of school for your child is an important one. At Bulford St Leonard's, we believe that our approach to learning, values and the environment are all ones which are conducive to a child’s development.

We believe that in order to choose a school for your child, it is imperative to get an understanding of the school ethos. As a result, every day is an open day at school and although our website will give you an insight into our schools ethos and facilities, it will probably not answer all your questions. We welcome you to come and have a tour, this way you will get to experience the fantastic atmosphere of our school. If you are interested in a tour please contact the school office on 01980 632309

The School Admissions team at Wiltshire Council is responsible for allocating primary school places at schools in Wiltshire.  To apply for a place at Bulford St Leonard's CofE Primary School, please visit Wiltshire Council here or telephone the Admissions Team on 01225 713010

Wiltshire residents can apply for a school place online by clicking here

Non-Wiltshire residents should apply to their own local authority for a place in this school. This also applies to families planning to move to the area (except service personnel, see below).

In the event of oversubscription, we will apply our Admissions Policy's criteria for determining priority of admission (please see our Admissions Policy)

Bulford St Leonard’s Church of England Primary School reserves the right to request parents to verify their child’s birth date by producing a birth certificate or other official document.

Click here to visit the Wiltshire School Admissions website

Where changes are proposed to the admissions arrangements (including any supplementary information form) that will apply for admissions applications the following academic year, the admission authority must first publicly consult on those arrangements. 

Click here to view our admissions policies

When can my child start school?

Most children start school in the September following their fourth birthday. However, by law a child does not have to start school until the term following their fifth birthday.

  • Birthday: 1st September 2019 to 31 August 2020 - Start School: September 2024
  • Birthday: 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 - Start School: September 2025
  • Birthday: 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022 - Start School: September 2026

All reception age children are offered full time places when they start at our school. If parents want their child to attend part time from September or to delay entry until later on in the academic year, please contact us directly to arrange this.

More information about finding a primary school place can be found in the comprehensive guide provided by Wiltshire Council here.

Starting school for the first time 

As a school we pride ourselves on having a smooth transition into school not only from our own nursery and other local nurseries but for those who have not attended a nursery school setting. We have a planned induction programme that ensures children settle quickly and happily into our reception class and our school.

In the summer term prior to your child attending school our Foundation Stage staff try to visit all our new children in their pre-school settings. As well as this new parents are invited to a New Parent Meeting held in school during the Summer Term, this is an opportunity to meet the staff, ask questions and tour the facilities.

Once in school, the children have a wonderful time exploring, discovering and learning, largely through play-based activities. We provide a very well-equipped indoor and outdoor environment where children can safely investigate and where carefully selected activities encourage children to experiment with letters and numbers. Every child is different and we promote this uniqueness and help children follow their own interests wherever possible.



In Year Transfers and transferring from another school

Starting school through the year

As a school we are very much used to children arriving through the year at various points. We have systems in place to ensure children coming to us via an in year transfer settle quickly and happily. If possible, we would always recommend a visit to the school but even if the first day you see the school is the first day you attend you will be made to feel like a part of Team Bulford the moment you step through the doors. 

For an in year transfer you should apply online through Wiltshire Council

Click here for the In Year Transfer Online Application 

To transfer your child to a school outside Wiltshire, you should contact the admissions authority for the new school to clarify the admissions process. 

Applications from service personnel moving into Wiltshire

When applying for a school place, children of UK Service personnel (HM forces) or other crown servants are treated as meeting the residency criteria for a particular area, even if they don’t yet own a house in the county. Until a fixed address is available, the unit address of the military base will be used and a school place allocated accordingly.

Parents are advised to attach proof of their posting to the transfer application form and a letter of support from the commanding officer if the posting note does not indicate the housing arrangements.

If your child will be starting school in September with the normal round of admissions, parents must send proof of their posting to the county.

Arrangements for the admission of children with an Education Health and Care Plan

Upon notification of a forthcoming admission of a pupil with disabilities, the school liaises with parents, the child’s current school or nursery and, where appropriate, external agencies in order to provide a good transition into our school.

Transfer to secondary school: At the end of year 6, children transfer to secondary school with the majority of our children going to Avon Valley College or Stonehenge Secondary. Applications for a place at secondary school must be made through Wiltshire Council in the Autumn term of year 6. 

Transfer arrangements for our Year 6 pupils are sent to parents during the Spring Term prior to their children starting in September. These arrangements include visits to Bulford St Leonard's by Avon Valley or Stonehenge staff, visits made to Avon Valley or Stonehenge by our Year 6 pupils and Parents Evenings when you can visit the schools and meet the teachers who will be directly involved with your child/children.