
Maths Intent:

Maths is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. At Bulford we are passionate about educating the next generation to have a positive impact in the world and a secure understand of maths, which underpins so many other subjects, will help support them on this journey.

We want all children to enjoy maths and to experience success in the subject, with the ability to reason mathematically and to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and understanding to broader areas of learning. We aim to nurture and develop a curiosity to maths and how it fits into solving real world problems.

We aim for all pupils to:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
  • Solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge to a range of problems
  • Reason mathematically with correct mathematical vocabulary


At Bulford we follow the White Rose Scheme of learning units.

  • Children spend longer on each topic as a block to gain deeper understanding and make connections between different ideas
  • Children revisit and apply these skills in different contexts and in different year groups to really secure their journey to mastery

The structure of lessons at Bulford builds in the necessary revisit and practice time needed to help children to learn and remember. Daily maths lessons begin with the ‘Daily 5’ where children revisit and recap on prior learning from the last lesson, last week and also last term. Through clear lesson design and ongoing formative assessment and feedback children make good progress within each lesson – moving towards mastery of the small step for that lesson.


By the end of KS2 we aim for all children to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, to be able to recall and apply this knowledge with speed and accuracy. Children will have developed the resilience and skills needed to tackle more complex problems. They will be able to apply their knowledge through a range of problem solving situations based in real world contexts.

 Attainment in mathematics will be assessed using a range of formative and summative assessment methods.

  • NFER tests 3 x a year (from Year One to Year Six)
  • KS2 SATs
  • KS1 SATS/Teacher assessment
  • GLD for EYFS
  • Precise, targeted questioning during maths lessons
  • Quizzing techniques through lessons – including the ‘Daily 5’


Progression of knowledge and skills in maths

Calculation policy (White Rose)

Whole school overview 


Year Group Overviews 


Website Subscriptions

We subscribe as a school to the following websites which can help your child with their maths learning

Time Table Rockstars 

Ed Shed

Additional Online Support

White Rose Maths Hub - additional home learning resources from the scheme we use in school

Topmarks – lots of free maths games for all ages

Maths Frame – some highly engaging maths games which cover all areas of maths

My Mini Maths  - great links to YouTube clips which support arithmetic understanding – good for Year Six