All children are different and learn at different rates; all have their own individual needs. At Bulford St Leonard's, we cater for all our children's learning needs and abilities through adjustment, support, differentiation and appropriate challenge.

Following the publication of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 0-25 years in July 2014, schools are required to publish information about their SEND provision.

Click here to see our SEN information report

In Wiltshire this forms part of a Local Offer which provides information and guidance on services for children and young people, aged 0-25, with SEND. Information regarding education, health, social care, preparing for adulthood and leisure can be found on the dedicated Wiltshire Local Offer website. 

Click here to visit the Wiltshire Local Offer website

Our SENCo is Mrs Mitchell who works two days a week (Wednesday and Thursday). Mrs Mitchell can be contacted via the school telephone number, 01980 632309, or alternatively parents can make an appointment via the office.

Click here to view all of our SEN policies